Book project update!

Working on a book in 2020 has been quite a ride. I mean, I can’t complain too much – the horrors of the world have at points made it hard to generate the focus that writing requires, but I’ve managed. And I have, long after I had hoped, a draft of what is provisionally Chapter 6 in my current book project. By “draft,” I mean something quite a bit more robust than a “first draft,” but still far from polished, that I feel able to set aside until I have a draft of the whole book. And by “Chapter 6,” I’m not entirely sure what I mean. What I originally came up with a couple months back was clearly way too much for one chapter, or at least would have been once I filled in the holes and said everything I wanted to say. Some of that has been bumped to a future chapter, but I’ve still been wrestling with how to organize what remains. For two weeks, I was positive this would actually be two chapters, one short and one a more standard length, but that didn’t end up working, though I still may end up breaking it in two in a different place. But to make that decision, and to do all the other sorts of up-fixing that it still requires, must wait until I have a better sense of what comes next and how the whole thing is going to flow, so I am setting more-than-Chapter 6 aside. Not sure if there is one chapter left to write or two, or two plus some sort of epilogue, and I’ve even been toying with the idea of writing interstitial segments in a bit of a different mode to go between the chapters…but getting a full draft done at some point in 2021 still seems plausible. If the world permits, that is. Onwards!