Goodreads Review — On a Sunbeam by Tillie Walden

A chunky sci-fi graphic novel. Picked it up after hearing several people describe it as similar in feel to Becky Chambers’ novel The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet, in that both are space-based gang-of-misfits found-family stories. The trippy graphics don’t necessarily work by the laws of physics but they certainly work for the story – space ships that look and move like flying fish, habitation not on planets as we would understand them but mostly on free-floating chunks and clusters of land, generous use of strange landscapes/spacescapes and psychedelic washes, and so on. The last couple of graphic novels I’ve read have felt light on story, but this one does not, and it is driven by a satisfying mix of action and relationship. Would recommend!

Originally posted by Scott on Goodreads.