Review: Disarm, Defund, Dismantle

A collection of pieces by organizers and scholars who have been part of the movement in Canada in the last two years to defund the police and work towards police and prison abolition. I interviewed one of the editors and one of the contributors recently, so check that out for more details: I won’t add much here, except to say that it is an easy and interesting read. In capturing some of the thinking being done by this important movement in this important moment in book form, I think it is making a useful contribution to the struggle. My only gentle critiques would be that it feels like it repeats some of the basics across multiple contributions in a way that isn’t really necessary, and I wish the balance it strikes between scholarly and more grounded organizer-y engagement – and, yes, I recognize that a number of contributors fit both categories, but I’m thinking more here about the character of the pieces rather than the identities of the writers – was more towards the latter. Still, it is full of good stuff, and an important read for anyone wanting to understand contemporary social movements in Canada.

Originally posted by Scott on Goodreads.