Goodreads Review — Liberalism: A Counter-History by Domenico Losurdo

A wide-ranging, detailed, and highly critical examination of the history of liberalism. It both engages with the ideas of liberal thinkers across various eras and examines the material context in which those ideas and thinkers existed. It centres slavery and colonialism, as well as oppression/repression of poor and working people within the metropole, and not …

Radio — John Clarke’s decades of militant anti-poverty organizing in Ontario

John Clarke was an organizer with the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP) from its founding in 1990 until his retirement in late January 2019. Though he intends to remain a very active member of the group, this still marks a significant transition for one of Ontario’s most visible militant grassroots organizations. Scott Neigh interviews Clarke …

Book Review — The Lost History of Liberalism by Helena Rosenblatt

This is an academic history of liberalism, in the form of what it calls a “conceptual history” – that is, it explores what its proponents (and to a certain extent opponents) have said over the years about the positions, ideas, and politics associated with “liberal” and its cognates. This is presented with some political history …

Radio — A successful campaign against medical colonialism

Samir Shaheen-Hussain is a pediatric emergency physician who practices in Montreal and a professor in the Department of Pediatrics in the Faculty of Medicine at McGill University. He has also been involved in grassroots social justice organizing around issues like Indigenous solidarity, migrant justice, and anti-police brutality for more than a decade and a half. …